Master final work

What student are requested for their final exam

Regarding the final exam, students are asked to send to the Master Director, ONE WEEK BEFORE THE EXAM, one of the following: 1) a draft paper regarding one of the topics covered (of their choice) during the lectures, with the presentation of a case study (using data collected by the student or on a bibliographic basis; in the case of data collected by the student, she/he is also requested to attach the authorization of the research referent for the use of the data); 2) a report on the activities carried out during the internship (structured like a paper in Introduction, Aims, Materials and Methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Bibliography); 3) any other type of material, even in the form of audiovisual products (in this case accompanied by a brief written description of the purposes and contents of the same), interview or similar, related to one of the topics covered in the course of the Master. In any case, students need to identify an internal Master's tutor and an internship co-tutor in the case of internship reports (once again, the authorization of the research referent for the use of the data is requested).

Written papers should not exceed 50 pages in length.

Students then have 30 minutes (including 5 minutes of discussion) to present their paper to the committee on the exam day.