The fee required from students attending the Professional Master Programme is 7500 (seven thousand five hundred) Euros in two instalments: 3700 (three thousand seven hundred) Euros and 3800 (three thousand and eight hundred) Euros. The fee includes board and lodging costs for the immersive, mandatory 1 week field trip to Roatan with DCP, however, students are required to cover the flight to Roatan, Honduras.
In certain cases where students require a financial contribution, a partial reduction in registration fees may be awarded based on meeting selection criteria.
The Programme is not subject to exemption from registration fees and university tuitions fees (as per DPCM 9 April 2001, art. 8, para. 1). The first instalment must be paid upon enrolment with the methods illustrated in the following art. 11; the second instalment must be paid by April 28th, 2026.
The first instalment cannot be paid after the deadline set for enrolment; students not paying the first instalment will be excluded from the Master.
Payments of the second and third instalments made after the set dates will be charged with a 60.00 Euro late fee.
ATTENTION - Late instalments and relative fines must be paid within 30 days after the deadline. Any student with unsettled payments will not be admitted to the Master’s final examination.
The cost of the student's enrolment to the Programme may be borne by third parties (public authorities, foundations, businesses, etc.).
In this case, please contact the place of teaching prior to the selection procedure ( for information on how to pay the fees.
ATTENTION - payment of fees by third parties must be formally recorded (in a letter of commitment or contract) by the date set for the selection process. Following payment, the university issues an accounts receipt excluding VAT pursuant to articles 1 and 4 of Italian Presidential Decree no. 633/1972 and amendments.
The first instalment is 3700 (three thousand seven hundred) Euros. Candidates admitted according to the list of qualifying students shall, no later than 03/10/2025:
- Go onto the website;
- Sign in using username and password obtained during pre-registration;
- Follow the registration procedure.
- pay the first instalment with one of the following payment options:
- online, with credit card of one of the following circuits: Visa, Mastercard, Diners, American Express;
- at any UniCredit Spa branch in Italy (list of branches available from (, using the payment code released by the StudentiOnline system. The bank only accept cash (with law limits) or non-transferable cashier's check payable to Unicredit Spa Cassiere Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna; payments made by post office mailer or to credit institutions other than those mentioned above are not allowed;
In case of difficulties in completing the online procedure, please contact the Helpdesk by calling +39 0512099882 or by sending an e-mail to;
N.B. In the event of registration fees being paid by third parties (public bodies, foundations, businesses, etc.) the application for enrolment form is available immediately on the Studenti Online website ( by clicking on “Application form”, on the bottom of the website home page, following authentication using username and password.
5. Deliver to the Master's Office (address given in art. 16):
- The registration form, printed from the Studenti Online system and duly completed and signed;
- A photocopy of the payment receipt for the first instalment;
- One passport-sized photo;
- For non-EU citizens, a copy of the resident permit, as according to art. 39 comma 4 TU Immigration (*), or a Study Visa (for university or post-graduate studies) and a copy of the receipt confirming the application for the residence permit.
ATTENTION – Registering in a university Master is allowed for non-EU citizens whom are in possession of:
- a Study Visa (for university or post-graduate studies) and a copy of the receipt confirming the application for the residence permit or
- a copy of the resident permit, as according to art. 39 comma 4 TU Immigration (registering in a university Master is allowed for non-EU citizens whom are already in possession of an EU long-term permit - e.g. a residence card - or a residence permit for: employment or self-employment; family reasons; political or humanitarian asylum - political asylum, subsidiary protection, humanitarian protection; religious reasons). For candidates who are already in possession of a residence permit for studies for at least one year, it is specified that this permit must be of a renewable type (e.g. a residence permit issued for an Italian language course is not renewable) and, in order to be renewed, said permit must be held alongside the Italian degree for which it was initially released.
For candidates who are already in possession of a residence permit for studies for at least one year, it is specified that this permit must be of a renewable type (e.g. a residence permit issued for an Italian language course is not renewable) and, in order to be renewed, said permit must be held alongside the Italian degree for which it was initially released.
Eligible candidates that have concluded their qualifying degree after the deadline of the Call must send to the Master Office (according to the methods and addresses listed in art. 16): 1) the documents listed under article 3, point 3., letter a), points i), ii) e iii) if they have carried out their degree abroad; 2) the documents listed under article 4, point 2., letter a), point ii) if they have obtained the degree in Italy.