Study Period in Campus di Ravenna, University of Bologna

Find out more about the modules during the study period to complete at the Ravenna Campus of University of Bologna.

Reading the landscape


This course defines the notion of "landscape" as an expression of the relationships between humans and the environment, as a reflection of the evolution of these relationships over time, as a common heritage to be cared for, enhanced and made to bear fruit. Drawing on concrete examples, the course provides the tools for understanding and analysing the landscape, as well as examples of collective action around this heritage. It highlights the link between the choices made in terms of public policies (planning, energy, mobility, water, agriculture, etc.) and changes in the landscape.

Skills to be acquired: ability to analyze a landscape, to detect its characteristics and past evolution, to foresee and guide its evolutions, in the context of the necessary ecological transition.

Re-thinking the Anthropocene together


This interdisciplinary course mobilizes the natural sciences, the humanities, philosophy, geography, history and economics, to present the transformation by human activity of the surface layers of the earth and the atmosphere and its challenges. It analyses the players' games and highlights the need for public policies that take into account the rapid changes necessary to try to restore satisfactory living conditions for future generations and prevent the various phenomena of collapse. It introduces a bibliography that each listener will have to study.

Skills to be acquired: ability to analyze the challenges of a public action project in the general context of ecological transition (carbon impact, biodiversity, impact on the water cycle, impact on pollution and risks).

Water, Common Good: access and management


Water demand and use; Water availability; Water stress; Water quality; Transboundary water resources and water-related conflicts; Water related ecosystem services; Integrated water resources management; Drinking water and sanitation; International policy frameworks / Aquifer Systems; Groundwater monitoring; Groundwater quality and protection / Water-related risk; Nature-based solutions; Fluvial rehabilitation.

Dealing with energy demand and climate change


Adaptation to climate change: societal challenges and strategy planning; focus on pluvial flooding in urban areas / Management of pressurized water systems; Management of hydroelectric production / Territorial energy management and economics.

Managing the Commons


Environment and landscape protection in the frame of the European Court of Human Rights; Climate Change in the Anthropocene: Technocratic Governance vs. Common Goods-based Self-Management.

Welcoming and including


A critical analysis of the impacts of Globalisation and the Anthropocene on work dynamics and urban transformations; Logistics and the digital revolution.