Admission Qualifications
a) All types of Italian Second Cycle Degree (D.M. 270/04) or Single Cycle Degrees per laws previously in force (DM 509/99 and Old Regulation).
b) Degrees obtained abroad deemed equivalent to those described in point a) by the admission committee for the purposes of admission to the Master.
Linguistic Skills
- English language proficiency level, B2 recommended.
- French language proficiency level, A2 recommended.
Selection Criteria
- Admission to the Master is subject to a positive evaluation based on the candidate's titles and on a motivational interview in English.
- The application for the selection process must be made by 20 Sep 2024 through the website The interview will take place at the Department of Cultural Heritage, via degli Ariani 1, Ravenna, Italy, on 27 Sep 2024, from 09:00 am to 13:00 pm. Candidates residing or staying abroad, who are for exceptional reasons unable to attend the admission interview in person may ask the academic board to carry out the interview online by emailing the address providing a written motivation. Candidates attending the test must bring a valid identification document with them.