The Master is divided into theoretical and practical lessons, modulated to deepen clinical, biological, microbiological, diagnostic and instrumental concepts. These will be joined by seminars, congresses, exercises and clinical activities on patients, in-depth analysis of simple and complex clinical cases, for a total of 1500 hours. The theoretical and practical lessons also include partecipation of national and international speakers. Some lectures will be held online with Microsoft Teams application.
The weekly departmental activity within the university dental clinic, at a non-obligatory frequency, will focus on the diagnostic procedures, on the planning of the endodontic and post-endodontic treatment of the patient, on clinical treatment with manual and rotating instruments, up to prosthetic rehabilitation. Endodontic surgery techniques, endodontic microscopy, prosthetic rehabilitation of the endodontically treated tooth, as well as pulp regeneration techniques and implant rehabilitation will be used. During the Master, it will be possible to choose and deepen a specific aspect of clinical endodontics (such as management and treatment of complex cases, NiTi instrumentation and endodontic surgery), or to follow / document complex endodontic clinical cases during a training period. On-going meetings and tests will allow students to evaluate progresses.
The Master is divided into theoretical lectures and practical lessons on mannequins ('Pininfarina Salon' mannequins hall) and an optional practice of internship in the Endodontic Department of the Patient Dental Clinic. The frequency of 80% of the theoretical lessons - webinar is required. There is no mandatory attendance for the internship in the department. For the STAGE activities in the department, arrangements will be made with the Head of Department. At the end of the program, the participant will be asked to present clinical cases and demonstrate a theoretical and, above all, practical knowledge of Endodontics.
In the following pages is scheduled the program 2022.
29-30-31 January 10.00 - 13.00 am
- Introduction to the Master. First meeting in the historical classrooms of the Dental Clinic. Presentation and first seminar: management of endodontic clinical cases. From ProTaper to ProTaper Ultimate through reciprocating techniques. Prof. Carlo Prati
- Diagnosis, treatment plan and decision-making. Prof. Carlo Prati
- First lessons on Endodotic practice and Endodontic therapy
Concepts of endodontic anatomy and clinical approach to complex anatomy. Prof. Luigi Generali
Organization of laboratory activities - mannequins room on extracted tooth: Dr. Albi Londo
Exercise on resin blocks on rotating NiTi instruments (ProTaper and M2). Dr. Albi Londi, Dr. Arash Azizi
Wednesday 16 February: 10.00-14.00
- Endodontic techniques and materials. Advanced instruments with specific applications on sclerotic elements and elements on patients with atric canals. Rotating NiTi and concepts. Prof. Carlo Prati
- Biology of endodontic materials Sealer and bioceramic cements and MTA. Prof. Carlo Prati
- Instrumentation techniques with new rotating and reciprocating Ni Ti instruments. ROTATE and RECIPROC BLUE. Dr. Andrea Spinelli
- Exercises with Nickel Titanium instruments in the UNIBO Didactic Room of the Dental Clinic on extracted tooth and resin blocks. Dr. Andrea Spinelli
Thursday 17 February 8.30-10.30
- Evaluation of the operative skills on the patient and on the manikin. Definition of cases and procedures for the documentation of clinical cases. Use of Power Point and KeyNote for the presentation of clinical cases.
- Anti-COVID measures and discussion with updates on the management of endodontic emergencies in the COVID era. Dr. Fausto Zamparini
- NiTi tools and how to deal with clinical cases: from diagnosis to operative techniques. Prof. Carlo Prati
2nd meeting:
11 February. 10.00-
- Anatomy of the Endodontium. Coronal, middle and apical third treatment techniques. Use of NiTI reciprocating instruments for opening and finishing the coronal third. Effect on the structure of dentin. Operating microscope for opening the pulp chamber. Role of enlargements in complex treatments and retreatments. Dr. Andrea Spinelli and Prof. Carlo Prati
Tuesday 9.00-18.00
- Exercises and practical demonstrations in the Pininfarina Didactic Hall on extracted tooth and resin blocks with OneShape / One Reci and Hyflex CM and EDM instruments and new rotary instruments for retreatments. Prof. Carlo Prati, Dr. Albi Londo, Dr. Arash Azizi, Dr. Andrea Spinelli
Wednesday 23 February 10.00 - 14.00
Endodontic imaging: 2D Vs 3D. The reason for an evolution. Dr. Roberto Fornara
Intraoral scanners and their role in post-endodontic reconstruction of the compromised element. First approach in clinical section of the department. Dr. Fausto Zamparini, Dr. Andrea Spinelli
Seminar on BIOCERAMIC cements with discussion of clinical cases. Moderator Prof. Carlo Prati
18 - 20 February: 9.00-14.30.
Rotate, Reciproc and other innovative NITI and rotary tools. How to use them in simple and complex retreatments and treatments. Dr. Andrea Spinelli
Advanced SEMINAR: Endodontic and Implantology Reports. Bone regeneration techniques. Relations with the periodontium and with the conservative.
New PRAMA implants and BOPT technique for rehabilitation of simple and complex cases and new aspects of tissue management. Prof. Carlo Prati
Discussion of the clinical cases. CLINICAL CASE presentation techniques. Knowing how to present a lecture or a CLINICAL CASE in a conference.
Practice in didactic room on elements extracted with NiTi techniques: Hyflex and MicroMega ProTaper Next, WaveOne Gold, ROTATE, RECIPROC BLUE and techniques for filling the complex root canal. Thermafil, GuttaFusion, GuttaFlow. Role of Bioceramics. Prof. Carlo Prati, Prof. Filippo Cardinali
21 february . Day dedicated to the presentation of CLINICAL CASES performed in the Endodontics Department. They will present:
CLINICAL TUTORS. DAVIDE CARBONI, FILIPPO D'ERRICO, Seminar on: Endodontics and clinical aspects: decision making, knowledge of endodontic art and management of clinical cases. Operative techniques. Prof. Carlo Prati, Dr. Fausto Zamparini
Wednesday 12 June 10:00-12:00: Prof. Pelliccioni. Surgical Endodontics pt. 1
Thursday 13 June 10.00-12.00: Prof. Pelliccioni: Surgical Endodontics pt. 2
Monday 24 June:
Prof. Carlo Prati: Implantology and Endodontics. Differential diagnosis and evaluation of the techniques and successes of the two therapies
Tuesday 25 June.
Prof. Giusy Campisi from University of Palermo. LECTIO MAGISTRALIS on "Oral Pathology and Bisphosphonate: a guide to the endodontic therapy"
Prof. Sat Bir Khalsa from Harvard University: YOGA in MEDICINE. Oncology and cardiovascular disease and YOGA.Symposium in Dental School from 18:00 to 22:00 with Buffet for all the Academic and student partecipants.
- Instrumentation in comparison: new systematics in simple and complex cases. How endodontics has evolved. Endodontics in 10 years.
- Clinical applications of the new NiTi (eg EdgeEndo).
- Presentation of clinical cases and discussion of cases. How to deal with a complex case.
Advanced SEMINAR: How to manage the patient with systemic pathologies. Bisphosphonates, heart disease and autoimmune diseases.
- SEMINAR: Filling technique with bioceramic cements.Results froma 5 years clinical study
EXAMINATIONS and discussion of clinical cases
Theoretical-practical exam.
Discussion of Clinical Cases.
Case presentations and study of treatment plans
Italian Society of Endodontics National Congress in Bologna
EXAMINATIONS and presentation of CLINICAL CASES for passing the session
- Complex patient management.
- Treatment plans with complex pathologies.
- Digital impression and its use in endodontics and implantology.
- rehabilitation of the endodontically treated element with digital technologies
9th Meeting: date to be determined - January 2023
- EXAMINATIONS and presentation of clinical cases. Assessment of practical skills
Closing ceremony and awarding of diplomas.
PROGRAM'S INDEX OF TOPICS - Diagnosis, treatment plan and decision-making process
Endodontics and the future clinical aspects: what changes and what has changed in clinical strategy and patient management