
The Master is an eight-month course comprising weekend lessons on Friday afternoons and on Saturdays (on average 12 hours a week) with a total of 304 hours. All Master’s lessons will be in presence (School of Engineering and Architecture, Viale del Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna), save for students living farther than one hour of travel to Bologna, who are offered the option to attend via Teams.

After the introductory lessons, it will be possible to start an internship within the company if the participant is not already working. At the end of the teaching, case studies will be presented by experts either from business or relating to complex scenarios in public administration, including, for example: Digital Forensics in police investigations, Security in embedded systems, and Practical 24/7 security monitoring.



Term: November 8th, 2024 - July 2025

Mandatory attendance: 80%

Structure: 11  modules + 2 seminars/workshops



500 hours at one of the partner companies, which are all able to guarantee placements in divisions specifically dedicated to cyber security. Internship will take place in the February-July period, using the weekdays (Mon-Thu) that are free from lectures. As regards whether to attend the internship in presence or at a distance, the candidate shall make specific agreements with the hosting company.

Participants who are working (either self-employed or with a company, provided the field of operations is coherent with the Master's area), can ask to the Master's Director the approval of a project work entailing an equivalent effort, ideally carried out in close integration with their job, as an alternative to the internship.




Intermediate tests: at the end of each module, the candidates will take an exam to ascertain their learning outcomes. The results of these tests are not formally binding, thus, a limited number of skipped or failed tests would not jeopardize the success of the course. However, they will be fundamental for the exam commission to form a judgement of the candidate, thus, a large number of skipped or failed tests will preclude admission to the final exam.

Final exam: it will take place as a discussion of internship or project work outcomes. The result, on a 30-mark scale, will take into account the whole course.


Fundamentals of Security and Cryptography

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Network security and administration

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Computer security and administration

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Security engineering I - secure coding

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Security engineering II - web app security and testing

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Security engineering III - mobile security and testing

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Security engineering IV - Industrial Control Systems

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Security monitoring I - Malware analysis and detection

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Security monitoring II - Information correlation

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Incident response

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Digital Forensics

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