
The Master’s project was developed through collaboration between the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna with CRIF as the main sponsor. The course also involves partnerships with other important companies, including Certego, Cryptonet Labs, Cyberloop, IMQ Minded Security, and Texa.

The aim of the Master’s in Cyber Security weekend formula is to train, within a business context, experts in IT security of hardware-software infrastructures for the management of critical systems and data processing. In particular, the Master’s provides skills in the analysis of existing criticalities, as well as expertise in the design, planning, integration and deployment of security solutions on both an application and network level, in all infrastructure and process operating phases.

At the end of the Master’s, participants will have acquired a general awareness of cyber security issues and the relationships between the multiple application environments in which security requirements must be taken into consideration. Specifically, participants will acquire the following skills:

• data protection techniques through encryption protocols/algorithms and authentication/identification and access control systems;

• configuration methods for communication infrastructures and processing systems to minimize vulnerabilities and use them in attack detection systems and defense systems;

• software design techniques aimed at security and methods of implementation and testing in web-based and mobile applications;

• detection techniques for attacks made through malicious code and complex combinations of concomitant vectors;

• operating procedures and legal context for the reaction to attacks, analysis of the causes that led to them, quantification of the impacts and restoration of data and system operation.


ICT Security Specialist, Web Security Expert, Mobile Security Expert, Penetration Tester and Security Incident Analyst and Responder.