Law of Bank Crisis Management

Module 1

12 hours

Rules and principles on bank insolvency at European and national level; resolution and liquidation/bankruptcy; State aids, fundamental rights

David Ramos Muñoz (University Carlos III Madrid and University of Bologna)

Myrte Thijssen (Former senior Legal Advisor, SRB)

Jakub Kerlin

Module 2

12 hours

Recovery and resolution plans for banks and banking groups, MREL and impediments to resolution

Carolina Albuerne

Lynette Janssen

Asen Lefterov

Module 3

12 hours

Domestic experiences on mergers with ailing banks, resolution and compulsory administrative liquidation of banks; sale of assets, NPLs/NPEs, UTP securitisations and rules on recovery procedures

Stefano Cappiello (Ministry of Economy and Finance)

Alessandra De Aldisio (Banca d'Italia)

Karl-Philipp Wojcik TBC


David Ramos Muñoz

University Carlos III Madrid and University of Bologna