
SPICES internships provide 600 hours of experience with research institutes, space agencies, and private companies active in the space sector.

The Master’s degree programme shall conclude with an internship period providing 600 hours of experience at research institutions, space agencies and industries (large and SMEs) operating in the space sector and who are official partners of the programme.

Official partners that participate in the SPICES internship programme include the following public bodies and private companies: ASI - ltalian Space Agency, CNR -ISAC (National Research Council - lnstitute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate), D-ORBIT, ENEA - National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economie Development, INAF-OAS (Nationa Ilnstitute of  Astropysics - Astrophysics and Space Science Observatory of Bologna) INFN - National lnstitute of Nuclear Physics, INGV - National lnstitute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Kayser ltaly, Media Lario, MEEO - Meteorologica! and Environmental Earth Observation, Telespazio, Thales Alenia Space...and many others as the panel of partner is constantly increasing..

See the complete list of public bodies and companies.

The diversity and breadth of our partners will provide students an opportunity to enhance their skills and gain real-world experience that will be valuable to employers in the space sector, both at national and international level.



Riccardo Galletti | Fondazione Alma Mater

Viale Q. Filopanti 7, Bologna

Mobile: +39 346 6772348
