The Course aims to prepare pediatric surgeons to become experts in minimally invasive surgery and pediatric robotics. The University of Bologna has instituted this II level Master in "Minimally Invasive and Robotic Pediatric Surgery", unique in Italy and Europe; the 1 year lasting Master is reserved for a maximum of 10 participants, who are already specialists in Pediatric Surgery or in General Surgery or have attended a Department of Pediatric Surgery for at least 2 consecutive years. The teaching activity will consist of both a theoretical and practical part: 5 theoretical sessions characterized by frontal and / or online lectures held by international experts in minimally invasive surgery and pediatric robotics and a practical/hands-on stage of 4 non-continuous weeks in our operating rooms, both in election and in emergency. Furthermore, during the aforementioned stage, the learner will get the chance to use training simulators such as pelvic trainers and virtual LapSim and / or Robotic simulators, available at our Center of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MISCBO) with the supervision of a tutor. The aim of the course is to guarantee technical-scientific training support on Minimally Invasive Surgery and Pediatric Robotics in order to make learners gain confidence in this surgical approach; Minimally Invasive Surgery nowadays offers scientifically proven benefits on the patient and necessarily requires a methodical path of Learning.

The II level Master in Minimally Invasive and Robotic Pediatric Surgery, promoted by the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences of Bologna University, now in its seventeenth edition, offers a training course aimed at improving Pediatric Surgeons' skills in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Pediatric Robotics. By the end of the Master, the participants will acquire a good knowledge in minimally invasive techniques: Laparoscopy, Thoracoscopy, Retroperitoneoscopy, Video-assisted Surgery, Robotic Surgery.

The Master issues 60 CFU (University Training Credits)

  • The opening cerimony

  • Graduation

  • Graduation

  • Graduation

  • Graduation

  • Robotic Surgery

  • Laparoscopy

  • Thoracoscopy



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Chief of the Pediatric surgery department

Prof. Mario Lima
DIMEC - University of Bologna
Pediatric Surgery Department - Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi
Via Giuseppe Massarenti 11, Bologna
Tel. +39 051 2144985
Cell. +39 335 8130225

Director of the Master

Prof. Tommaso Gargano
DIMEC - University of Bologna
Pediatric Surgery Department - Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi
Via Giuseppe Massarenti 11, Bologna
Tel. +39 051 2144580
Cell. +39 328 8715576


Dr. Vincenzo Davide Catania
Pediatric Surgery Department - Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi
Via Giuseppe Massarenti 11, Bologna
Tel. +39 051 2144987
Cell. +39 340 8515704

Dr. Marco Di Mitri
Pediatric Surgery Department - Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi
Via Giuseppe Massarenti 11, Bologna
Cell. +39 320 5746591


Nadia Borelli
Fondazione Alma Mater
Via delle Belle Arti 42, Bologna
Tel. +39 051 2091409