The A.Y. 2024/2025 of the Master's course in "Digital law. Data, algorithms and artificial intelligence", formerly "Master in IT Law and legal informatics" has been duly activated.
The admission notice has been published and you can find it here.
For any information on the new edition of the Master, please consult this website, the admission notice or send an e-mail to the following address:
The Master’s Course in "Digital law. Data, algorithms and artificial intelligence", formerly "Master in IT Law and legal informatics", now in its XXIV edition with this 2024-2025 academic year, is offered by CIRSFID – ALMA AI - Università di Bologna, in collaboration with the Department of Legal Studies of University of Bologna, the Fondazione Alma Mater (Alma Mater Foundation) with the patronage of the "Società Italiana di Informatica Giuridica" (Italian Society of Legal Informatics).
Prof. Giuseppe Contissa
Avv. Claudio Di Cocco
Dott. Simone Papasidero
Prof.ssa Monica Palmirani
Prof. Antonino Rotolo
Prof. Giovanni Sartor
Prof. Giuseppe Contissa
Avv. Claudio Di Cocco
The course provides participants with the knowledge and research and analytical skills necessary to work their way easily through the various legal and technology related issues involved in IT law and legal informatics.
The course provides training in IT law that will qualify participants to fill a wide range of job descriptions in government agencies and private companies alike and to work as service professionals, too. In fact there are many sectors in which the fast-developing new technologies are bringing radical changes by introducing new dynamics and models. And for this reason there are many opportunities - in law, business, and commerce - that the marketplace is making available specifically for those who have mastered the skills this course is designed to provide: one example in this regard is the opportunities to play a role in the expanding effort to automate processes in public administrations, in law offices specializing in IT law, and in private companies that operate in ICT or that maintain relationships with such companies. Similarly, the Master is intended for those professionals who, dealing with technological issues or holding positions in the IT and ICT sectors, are increasingly in need of govern even the nowadays unavoidable legal aspect.
The Master is currently being accredited by the National Forensic Council (CNF) for the purposes of recognizing credits for professional training.