
Presentation and educational objectives

The Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, as part of the educational activities aimed at promoting scientific improvement and post-graduate higher education, is pleased to announce the launch of the first edition of the second level University Master "Canine and feline endocrinology."
The Master’s program, which includes a two-year training course, will have the following characteristics:

  • Will be held at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna,
  • All lectures and activities of the Master will be in English,
  • The speakers come from the most prestigious European and North American Universities and represent the world's leading experts in veterinary endocrinology,
  • The administrative and organizational support is from the Fondazione Alma Mater.

Educational objectives

The student will undergo a comprehensive training program aimed at guiding him/her into deepening knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine glands as well as gaining an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiological aspects of endocrine disorders in dogs and cats. In the first part of the Master, there will be a part dedicated to the problem-oriented approach discussing the main problems related to endocrine disorders.

Much space will be dedicated to elucidating the techniques for carrying out and interpreting diagnostic protocols and specific endocrine tests. Group discussions centered around clinical cases will provide opportunities for dissecting intricate diagnostic scenarios.

The different treatment options and methods of therapeutic monitoring of endocrine disorders in dogs and cats will be addressed.

Guided by accomplished international educators, through a practical and dynamic approach to the different topics, the student will learn how to recognize and manage the main endocrine disorders of dogs and cats.