The faculty is composed by academics, operators, and international experts in the field of Intangible cultural heritage
Master's director - Associate professor in Theatre studies, University of Bologna
Performing arts and Intangible cultural heritage
Matteo Paoletti is an Associate professor at the University of Bologna. He develops his research in the field of Economics and organisation of theatre, Opera staging and relationships between theatre and cultural diplomacy.
He is PI of Performing arts, economics, and cultural policies. New interpretative paradigms between aesthetics and social sciences (PRIN 2022), Theatre and music between two shores of the Mediterranean: cultural connections between Italy and Tunisia (Global South 2022) and Migrantheatre/Migration perspectives in Europe (UNA Europa 2021).
He is an Expert Advisor of the European Commission and of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
He was a Cultural attaché at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For the Italian National Commission for UNESCO oversaw the 2003 Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage.
He is the editor of the Routledge companion to the history of theatre and migration, in press.
Full Professor of Sociology of Culture, University of Bologna
Roberta Paltrinieri is Full Professor of Sociology of Culture at the Department of Arts. She received a PhD in Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Parma. She is member of the Board of Scientific Committee of Urban Innovation Foundation, Municipality of Bologna, member of the board of CRICC, Centre for Interaction with Creative and Cultural Enterprises, Research Team of the University of Bologna. Her research interests concern Social and Cultural Innovation, Sharing Social Responsibility, Audience Development and Civic Engagement. She is the Principal Investigation of four competitive Project the Project "Dancing in Your Shoes", Creative Europe 2020, "ALTRUISTIC ENTREPRENEUR, Interreg 2019-2022, "Enhancing the Entrepreneurship of SMEs in Circular Economy of the Agri-Food", Interreg Europe 2019-2023, “Salus W Space“, bando UIA (2017-2021). She has published international articles and books. She is researcher in the project PNRR ECOSISTER, 2023-2026, and in the project Prin 2022 PNRR EASI "SEED Social Ecosystem Development 2021-2024.
Associate professor in Demoethnoanthropology, University of Bologna
Roberta Bonetti has been carrying out teaching activities since 2006 as a holder of various teachings courses for Undergraduate and Master's Degree Courses at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. She has also carried out teaching activities at the University of Verona, Bolzano, Rome.
In 2023, qualified as First Level Professor (ASN) 11/A5 M-DEA/01.
She is an active member of the Task Force on Anthropological Education and New Audiences of the WCAA (World Council of Anthropological Associations).
She is currently a member of the PQA (University Quality Presidium).
She is responsible with Cristiana Natali, of Real lab, for the promotion and dissemination of activities and projects on anthropology of education and disability carried out within the Department.
Research topics: Applied Anthropology and Education; Anthropology of Art; Anthropology of Material Culture and Design.