
The recent development of computing and data-sharing technologies has led to a revolution in the use of computational resources involving all areas of society, from academic research to applied research developed by public agencies and private companies. Techniques for the use of scientific methods and high-performance computing have become of fundamental importance in all strategic sectors, from the study of climate and energy resources, to the discovery of new compounds for pharmaceutical applications or new materials for industrial ones, to the optimization of industrial, logistics or financial processes.

The HPCQ Master aims to bridge the gap between academic training and research and the business world, offering a professionalizing pathway that allows young graduates in technical and scientific disciplines to fit into a dynamic and rapidly expanding national and international context.


At the end of the Master, participants will have acquired: a sound knowledge of scientific modeling and computational techniques, including quantum computing methods, for the study of complex systems; proficiency regarding programming for high-performance computing, the integration and use of large-scale computational infrastructures, the use of computational quantum computers based on different technologies;  practical skills to apply advanced, high-performance computing techniques for analysing and solving complex problems;  other specific professional skills, including team working, developed mainly during the internship period at institutions and companies.


Students who have completed the HPQC Master can join private and public companies, agencies, archives and institutions nationally and internationally.

Among the main areas of employment:

  • Responsible for a scientific or industrial research project (or part thereof) that requires the use of advanced computational methodologies;
  • Support for integration of high-performance infrastructure;
  • Support and management of computing centers;
  • Developer of parallel codes and quantum algorithms;
  • Expert in management and analysis of large amounts of data (Big Data) in public or private research;
  • Technology transfer Manager.


The HPQC Scientific Council is composed by Professors of the Bologna University and experts in the field of High-Performance and Quantum Computing working at public agencies or research institutions:

  • Prof. Marco Baldi -- Bologna University, Master Director
  • Prof. Daniele Bonacorsi -- Bologna University
  • Dr. Daniele Cesini -- INFN-CNAF
  • Prof. Marco Chiani -- Bologna University
  • Prof. Giacomo De Palma -- Bologna University
  • Prof. Elisa Ercolessi -- Bologna University
  • Prof. Daniele Fazzi -- Bologna University
  • Prof. Rita Fioresi -- Bologna University
  • Dr. Claudio Gheller -- INAF
  • Dr. Massimiliano Guarrasi -- CINECA
  • Prof. Ivan Rivalta -- Bologna University
  • Prof. Gianluigi Zavattaro -- Bologna University